Useful Tips About Changing Car Wipers in the UAE

1 min read

changing wipers used cars in Dubai
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Did you know that you don’t need a mechanic to change your car wipers? It’s quite a straightforward task really, one that you can easily manage on your own. CarSwitch brings you some useful tips about the process. But remember if you want to buy well-maintained used cars in Dubai, UAE, with properly working wipers, CarSwitch is the place to go.

  • The obvious first step is knowing when your car wipers need to be replaced. Is the rubber blade squeaking too much or skipping parts of the windshield or simply not doing its job right? It’s probably time to replace it then.
  • The shop assistants where you go to buy the wipers should be able to guide you about the right wiper blades but knowing what your requirements are can come in handy nonetheless. Is your car’s windscreen flat or curved? The shape of the wiper will depend on that.
  • Measure the exact length of the blades you are replacing or find them in the owner’s manual. Make sure you buy ones that actually fit, and are neither shorter or longer in size. Longer ones can damage the rubber seal around the windshield, while shorter ones might leave annoying marks behind.  
  • Connecting mechanisms that attach the metal arm to the wiper blade can vary. The simple thing to do would be to look at the attachments that were holding your previous wiper and find the same thing. Since most wipers now come with adapters for different kinds of attachments, you won’t have too much trouble hooking in place a new one.
  • When you lift the metal arm to change the wiper it might be a good idea to cover the windscreen with a folded towel. Since it’s spring-loaded, the arm may cause damage to the windshield if it snaps back.
  • Bear in mind that wipers vary in quality and durability, depending on its price. If you are driving in more or less standard weather conditions, the lower cost ones should do just fine.

Looking for well-maintained used cars in Dubai with wipers that are in good working order? We use a 200pt inspection report to inspect every car before it’s certified so you don’t have to worry on that count when you buy used cars Dubai at CarSwitch. Enjoy the switchin’ experience!