Why Too Much Oil Isn’t Good for Abu Dhabi Cars

1 min read

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Your car’s internal combustion engine needs oil to lubricate its components. However, just like too little oil can cause issues, excess oil can also lead to various problems. So, it’s important to ensure that you don’t overfill it. Otherwise, your engine might get damaged and this will affect the value of your car when you decide to sell your car in Abu Dhabi.

Oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle. It decreases the amount of friction created by the moving parts of the engine, thereby preventing wear and tear as well as overheating. Moreover, oil also helps to keep the engine clean by removing dirt and debris from various parts of the engine. This ensures that they work properly.

Too Much Of Anything Is Bad

Oil is usually changed after every 3,000 to 5,000 mile. Overfilling the engine with oil will be counterproductive. Basically, when the oil level in the oil pan is above the recommended level, it’s swirled around by the moving components of the engine blocks. After being moved back and forth, oil becomes frothy and this prevents it from flowing around properly to lubricate the moving parts of the engine. As a result, the engine is actually deprived of oil and this leads to wear and tear.  

And that’s not all. When the consistency of oil becomes foamy, air pockets are formed within it. These air bubbles trap dirt and this further exacerbates the problem. When the components of the engine are not lubricated properly, the engine tends to overheat, paving the way for more damage.

Keep An Eye On Fluid Levels

Of course, you cannot eyeball the amount of oil there is. That’s where dipstick comes in. It has a range for proper level and as long as you are within that range, you are good to go. If the oil level goes above the range, it means you have more oil than is needed.

Let Out The Excess Oil

Luckily, this problem is pretty easy to deal with. If you have too much oil in your car, drain some of it. You might need to jack up your car to do this. Just loosen the drain plug and take out a cup or more of the excess oil, depending on how much you have. Once that’s done, put the drain plug back in place, and then start and idle the engine for about a minute. Shut it down and then use the dipstick again, after wiping it out, to get a new reading. 

Sometimes, this can be a cumbersome task as it’s not always easy to drain a little bit of oil so a better idea might be to drain all of it and add new oil.  It’s also imperative that this process is done when your car is on a level surface, and not on a slope. If you aren’t familiar with oil changing, you can also go to a professional shop to drain the oil. Looking to sell your car in Abu Dhabi but don’t have time to handle the lengthy process yourself? Let CarSwitch.com take care of everything! Happy selling!

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