Method of test driving a used car in UAE

2 min read

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A pre-inspection drive is a fireproof way of knowing if the vehicle is a keeper. It allows you to know if you vibe with the car and opens you to hidden concerns too. Testing a used car is an absolute must. There are many used cars in UAE which you can get from CarSwitch. We have created this guide for anyone who is unsure how to test drive a used car. 

Before seeing the car

Do your homework before getting to the test drive. Check the downsides of the car, it’s reliability, fuel efficiency, availability of parts, and where you need to go to get it serviced. 

After checking all this, set a time for the test drive with the seller or dealer. 

Before starting the engine

Before sitting behind the wheel, there are certain things to do.

  1. Observe the paint. It’s true that sun damage is a factor but a completely different shade is a no. If a part of the vehicle is colored differently than the rest of the car, it is a big possibility that it might have been replaced due to an accident. 
  2. See underneath the vehicle to check if there are any flaws. Look out for rust or damage.
  3. While you are checking the underneath side, see if there are any leaks or oil stains. Although it is not a big problem, it should be solved. 
  4. Do a walk around the vehicle and see if all the lines are straight, especially at the door panels. If a part of the car does not line up, it means an inferior repair has been made to the car. A few subtle dents or scratches are not significant. 
  5. See if the tires are damaged and see their dates. The testing centers in the UAE do not allow tires to be older than 3 years. If they are too old, they should be replaced to avoid any risk. Remember to see the spare tire as well. 
  6. Observe the fluids and see if they are filled. 
  7. Check the tire alignment. In case it is uneven, it should be fixed. 
  8. Tires should also not have any flat spots. This is because flat spots are an undeniable sign that the tires have been sitting for some time. 
  9. Open the bonnet to check the oil. Pop the dipstick to check the color. The oil should be clear but dark brown or black color should signal for a change. If the color is muddy grey, it means that the engine has a blown gasket or a cracked head. Both are costly to fix. 
  10. Open and close all the doors. 

Starting the engine

  1. Check the AC. It shouldn’t buffer or give hot air.
  2. See the exhaust emission. The smoke should be minimal and of a light color. Any other color is a bad sign. 
  3. Tap the buttons to check if they work. 
  4. Lift the bonnet to hear the engine. Unusual sounds refer to a technical issue. 

Observe the tech 

Nowadays, tech is becoming important so better check it.

  1. Connect your phone with Bluetooth. See if the connection is strong. 
  2. Check the navigation to see if it’s updated. Driving in the UAE requires up-to-date navigation. 
  3. Adjust all the seats in all directions. They should be well adjustable. 
  4. Turn on the infotainment and observe it. 
  5. See if the windows work. 

Drive the car

For a test drive in UAE, a valid driving license is required. 

  1. Turn off everything inside and perk your ears for any strange noises. 
  2. If there is a whining noise, it might be a problem with tires, driveshaft, transmission or differential. They might be costly to fix or not depending on the part affected. 
  3. Stop the vehicle without holding the steering wheel. It should stop in a straight line.
  4. Reverse the car for 100 km to check the rear view cameras.
  5. Drive in all gears to see if the ride is smooth.
  6. Test the brakes to see if they work. 
  7. Apply the brakes during driving. There should not be any grinding sound.

The last tips

At the time of the test drive, bring someone with considerable automotive knowledge so that they can point out any hidden stuff. Even if you do not know anyone of that sort, tag anyone along so that both of you can check, see and hear everything.

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