How to Change the Battery in the Remote-Control Key

2 min read

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Your remote-control vehicle key has stopped working if you try to open your car and nothing happens. Simple key insertion into a slot on the door was all that was required to open conventional or older vehicles. Due to the development of car keys, such is not the case with automatic vehicles.

If the automated vehicle key stops working, your automobile might not be able to unlock, let alone start. There is no reason to panic, though. A weak or dead battery is the cause of this occurrence. You’ll need to understand how to change the car key batteries in this circumstance. Let’s go over the crucial phases.

How to Replace a Car Key Battery

If you take the proper precautions, you can quickly unlock a car key’s battery.

Take note of the symptoms first. The key, like many other battery-operated devices, doesn’t abruptly stop working overnight; instead, it gradually loses power until it finally shuts off.

The car key battery is running low if the key still turns the ignition but you have to approach the car from a closer distance than usual or if the door won’t close when you press the button. Replace the key fob battery as soon as possible to avoid a crisis. To replace the automobile key battery, adhere to these steps. 

Get A New Battery

The first step in replacing the auto key battery is to purchase a new battery. The battery that powers your automated automobile key can be found in the owner’s manual. Open the key to reveal the correct battery number needed for a replacement.

The type of battery in your car key should be ordered. In some circumstances, a nearby neighborhood department shop may have the batteries. Nevertheless, this won’t always be the case. The best course of action is to place an order for a new battery before the old one completely expires. 

Read More: Why You Should Never Misplace Your Car Key

Step of Replacing the Car Key Battery

Open the Key

To remove the outdated battery, carefully open the automobile key.

Open the automobile key itself as the second step in replacing a car battery. Naturally, you must install the new battery where the old one was once you have it. Before attempting to open the car key, pay close attention to it.

While some car keys can simply be pried apart, others are firmly fastened together by a tiny screw. The latter requires you to remove one or more screws before you can access the car key.

After that, locate a little slit on the side of the key; it will be situated in the center of the line dividing the two parts. To pry the two pieces apart, use a butter knife. Just be careful and avoid using anything too sharp to avoid harming the key.

Remove the Previous Battery

When the key is opened, you will discover some electronics on one half and the battery on the other. Remove the clip that is securing the battery. After that, remove the old battery. Before removing the car key battery, make note of whether it is oriented positively or negatively.

Installing the New Car Battery

Installing the new battery follows opening the car key.

Replace the old car key battery with the new one to complete the key battery change. Make sure to use the battery in the same positive or negative orientation as the original car key. Replace the fresh battery with the holding clip.

Reassembling the Car Key 

Keep the two key parts affixed to one another, and then snap them together. Put any screws you removed back in place and tighten them.

Test the Car Key

Lastly, test the car key’s functionality with the new battery.

After putting the car key battery back together, verify the remote function of your car key by walking up to ten feet away from it. It ought to lock and unlock the vehicle, hopefully. If this does not occur, it may be necessary to reset your key’s electronic coding since it may have lost it.

When the car key battery has been dead for a while, this typically occurs. The coding of your automobile key may be reset by an expert, so there is no need to be concerned.

That concludes the topic of changing a car key battery. Additionally, look through used cars for sale in the UAE if you want to add another used car to your collection of vehicles.

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