The car to be estimated is a 2019 Toyota Prado 2.7L VXR TX (Diesel) in average condition with 128844 km mileage. The closest data point is a 2019 Toyota Prado 2.7L I4 VXR with 106200 km sold for AED 125000 on 2024-05-22. This car has a similar engine size but lower mileage. Another relevant data point is a 2019 Toyota Prado V6 4.0L TX.L1 with 132920 km sold for AED 105000 on 2024-10-13, which has a similar mileage but a larger engine. The 2.7L engine is generally less expensive than the 4.0L. Considering the mileage and engine size, the estimated price should be lower than AED 125000 but higher than AED 105000. Adjusting for the mileage difference and engine size, a reasonable estimate is AED 110000.