To estimate the price of the 2019 BMW 330i Standard, I first considered the offers accepted by sellers for similar cars. The most relevant data points are the offers accepted for the same variant: AED 105,000 for a car with 107,600 km on 30 May 2024, and AED 108,000 for a car with 73,900 km on 16 Nov 2024. The car in question has 96,498 km, which is between these two mileage figures. Next, I looked at the listed prices. The most relevant listing is AED 125,750 for a car with 91,000 km, which is not delisted, indicating it might be priced high. Another relevant listing is AED 101,000 for a car with 73,900 km, which is also not delisted. Considering the accepted offers and the listed prices, I estimated the market price by weighing the accepted offers more heavily, as they reflect more realistic transaction values.